Looking for Entire Health Services? You’ve come to the right place: EHS closed on 17th Feb 2023. Ascent Physiotherapy have now moved into their premises on Cooma Street!


Working across both our Queanbeyan and Fyshwick locations, with before and after work appointments available, our physio team will work together to give you the best outcomes possible.

Areas of further study:

  • Manipulative Physiotherapy
  • DMA Physiotherapy Clinical Pilates
  • Vestibular Assessment & Management
  • Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation
  • Dry needling

Areas of further study:

  • Holistic treatment - taking into account a persons whole health and history to inform treatment

  • Fascial Manipulation by Stecco

  • Unity Field Healing

Areas of further study:

  • Musculoskeletal conditions
  • Pain management
  • Geriatric rehabilitation
  • Sports injuries

Sports Interests:

  • Cricket
  • Soccer and
  • Badminton

Areas of further study:

Women's Health, Sports Injuries, Musculoskeletal Injuries

Sport Interests:


Areas of further study:

Pelvic Floor: Pain, postnatal and incontinence

Mastitis and Inflammatory Conditions of the Lactating Breast

Sport Interests:

Netball, AFL, Running

Areas of further study:

Hip and Pelvis, Musculoskeletal Paediatric Conditions, Women’s Health

Sport Interests:

Sprinting, Horse-Riding, Snow Sports, Gymnastics & Dance

Sports Physiotherapy

Our physiotherapists have APA Sports Physiotherapy training. We have experience working with elite athletes and local teams.

Entire Physio is a proud sponsor of, and provides coverage to, the Queanbeyan Tigers AFL Club.

We also sponsor, and work in conjunction with, other local community sporting groups including:

  • The Queanbeyan Netball Club
  • The Queanbeyan District Cricket Club
  • The Ladies Green at Campbell and George
  • The Queanbeyan Golf Club and
  • The Queanbeyan Tennis Club.

Entire Physio treats a broad range of sport related injuries such as: sprains (including finger and upper limb custom splinting), post dislocation or fracture rehabilitation, muscle strain treatment, rehabilitation post reconstructive/arthroscopic/replacement surgery, muscle spasm, and vertebral stiffness.

Functional Pelvis Physiotherapy

Narelle’s area of further study and special interest is the Functional Pelvis.

She combines 20 yrs of hands on clinical practice and numerous continuing education courses to address complex lumbo-pelvic-hip concerns with an integrative process identifying intrinsic and global components impacting the function of the pelvis for both men and women.

Additionally Narelle has a strong womens health component encompassing endometrosis, continence and pregnancy related pelvic concerns as well as those associated with The Sporting Pelvis synonymous with dance, cycling and running.

Trigger Point Dry Needling

All our physios are trained in Trigger Point Dry Needling (TPDN). TPDN uses the same fine needles as used in acupuncture therapy, however has “Western” clinical reasoning applied to it.

Points are stimulated to create local, spinal segmental or supra spinal pain modulating effects.

The aims of dry needling include: reducing resting muscle tone, muscle spasm, neural/muscular pain, and releasing trigger points commonly known as “knots”.

The benefits of acupuncture and dry needling have a rapidly growing body of evidence and are endorsed by the Australia Physiotherapy Association(APA) – the peak body responsible for the most up to date physiotherapy research and training.

The APA has a specialist group dedicated to finding the most effective and safe ways for physiotherapists to use acupuncture and dry needling – our physiotherapists follow their regulations regarding this therapy.

For more information on the neurophysiology of dry needling, please refer to the following article:

Learn more about Acupuncture and Dry Needling by the Australian Physiotherapists

Hand Physiotherapy and Thermoplastic Splinting

At Entire Physio, we are now offering thermoplastic splinting services for finger, hand and wrist injuries. Heat is used to mould and shape your splint, so it is perfectly customised to you.

Lizzy has experience in making splints for acute and chronic hand injuries whilst working in the Snowy Mountains; she is also completing further hand therapy training to advance her skills even more.

These splints are safe for electrical trade work as there is no metal used in the construction of them.

Currently we offer conservative splinting for the following conditions:

  • Mallet finger
  • Volar plate injuries
  • Central slip injuries
  • Boutonniere/swan neck deformities
  • Trigger finger
  • Ulnar/radial collateral ligament sprain of the thumb
  • First CMC joint osteoarthritis
  • De Quervain’s tenosynovitis when basic support bracing has failed

Physiotherapy for Vertigo

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) is a condition causing dizziness, a spinning sensation, or unsteadiness when the head is moved in certain positions.

It may also include symptoms such as headache, neck pain, nausea or vomiting; although all symptoms of BPPV should be short in duration (a few seconds).

This condition is caused by crystals which are formed within the inner ear, breaking free, and falling into the semi-circular canals of the ear.

Physiotherapy assists this by using a series of maneuvers to clear the semi-circular canals of these crystals.

For more information, please refer to Emma’s blog article:

Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA)

Emma is trained in Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) 1 and 2, Y balance test and breathing assessments; created by Gray Cook and Lee Burton.

This process systematically looks at the body, assessing your body’s movement patterns.

Using the system she can identify dysfunctions before they cause injury.

This system is also exceptionally useful for those who have had chronic, ongoing sports injuries (think right hamstring strain, followed by low back pain, followed by left calf strain, all within 6 months) and want to get to the source of what’s causing this ongoing chain of injury.

The FMS system identifies movement patterns throughout the entire body, ranking them as optimal, acceptable or dysfunctional.

Once all data has been collected, dysfunctional movement patterns can be identified and addressed with specific, targeted exercises.

FMS is useful for persons or all levels of fitness; it is used on elite athletes and can be equally as effective in treating elderly populations.

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

Pelvic floor health is vital for maintaining a full and active life.

People can be affected by pelvic floor concerns at any stage of life, however it is commonly experienced by women when pregnant, antenatally, during/after menopause and if there are other pelvic conditions present such as endometriosis.

Lara is trained in pelvic floor internal examination and treatment and uses a non-intimidating approach to her sessions.

Pelvic floor issues are common, however many people do not need to suffer with symptoms such as:

  • Leakage with coughing and sneezing, laughing and exercise.
  • Uncertainty on how to activate pelvic floor muscles post childbirth/surgery.
  • Wanting advice on readiness to return to exercise post childbirth and guidance on how to do so.
  • Suddenly beginning to leak post menopause.
  • Internal/deep pelvic pain
  • Pelvic pain during sex
  • Pelvic floor muscle tightness with pap smear, or in preparation for birth

More information on the prevalence and types of pelvic floor issues are explained in this TED talk:

Physiotherapy for the Lactating Breast

Mastitis, blocked ducts and other inflammatory conditions of the breast are a common occurrence in breast feeding mothers and the most commonly sighted reason for early cessation of breast feeding. Mastitis can be a severe condition causing acute illness and hospitalisation if not treated in a timely and efficient manner. Mastitis is not always infective, therefore antibiotics are not always useful in its treatment.

Lara uses lymphatic drainage, therapeutic ultrasound, taping, compression and also educates on how to self-manage/prevent future occurrences. Therapeutic ultrasound has been shown to increase antibiotic effectiveness, therefore is complementary to antibiotic therapy if prescribed. Inflammatory breast conditions can be treated at any stage through your breast feeding journey.

For more information on how physiotherapy treats mastitis, please refer to this article by the Australian Physiotherapy Association.

Entire Physio refers to Ali and Mel at CARE Midwifery for lactation consultancy care.

Real Time Ultrasound

RTUS provides our physiotherapists with immediate information on how a muscle is contracting.

It is a useful tool to help us assess the control of the core muscles including the transverse abdmominis group in relation to the rectus abdominis and obliques.

Using RTUS we can teach correct activation of these muscles, as well as giving the patient feedback on how to activate these deep, otherwise hard-to-visualise, muscles.

All our physiotherapists are trained in how to use the RTUS machine and it is frequently used in pre-screening for our exercise classes.

To Find Out More or Make A Booking:


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