Looking for Entire Health Services? You’ve come to the right place: EHS closed on 17th Feb 2023. Ascent Physiotherapy have now moved into their premises on Cooma Street!

Clinical Exercise Classes

Call reception to book a class.

(formerly called ‘Clinical Pilates’)

Entire Health's Clinical Exercise Classes are run by one of our experienced physiotherapists and limited to six participants per class.

Here you will learn how to activate and correctly strengthen all parts of your body; with exercises carefully tailored by our Physio's to target your individual ability level.

Our Clinical Exercise Classes are divided into 3 categories:

  • Foundations: targeted at the majority of new participants and those who do not have a background in Clinical Pilates or advanced strengthening.
  • Progressions: targeted at those who can complete fundamental exercises and have reached a sufficient level of strength, or have a background in clinical pilates elsewhere. Please talk to our Physiotherapists before registering for a progressions class to see if you are eligible.
  • Pre/peri-natal: ideal during pregnancy and during the first year post birth.

Prior to commencing one of these classes, each participant is taken through a one-on-one assessment where our Physio's will screen you for medical conditions, previous injuries and your current ability/goals to ensure we can safely guide you through exercises.

Included in this 1 hour session is the opportunity to have real-time ultrasound assessment of your transverse abdominis and pelvic floor (external only) strength and control.

Our classes have a strong focus on building core strength throughout the trunk, shoulder/scapula complex and hip/gluteal complex.

Our Physio’s also bring elements of balance, diaphragmatic breathing, posture, stretching and mobility into your sessions.

View times for classes.

To Find Out More or Make A Booking:


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