Introduction to Classes
At Entire Health Services, our multi-disciplinary approach to health extends to the class types we host and times they are offered in.
Entire Health Services' classes are run by experienced practitioners who are passionate about their chosen field and highly skilled.
All classes are run within the NSW school term and of varying durations with some class types claimable through private health.
For any further information please contact Entire Health Services' reception, ph: 62995183 or refer to our interactive timetable for an up to date idea of what is happening and when at Entire Health Services.
Class Time Table
Call reception to book a class.

Our Classes
Clinical Exercise Classes
(formerly called Clinical Pilates)
Entire’s Clinical Exercise Classes are run by one of our experienced physiotherapists and limited to six participants per class.
Here you will learn how to activate and correctly strengthen all parts of your body; with exercises carefully tailored by our Physios to target your individual ability level.
Our classes are divided into 3 categories:
Foundations - Targeted at the majority of new participants and those who do not have a background in Clinical Pilates or advanced strengthening.
Progressions - Targeted at those who can complete fundamental exercises and have reached a sufficient level of strength, or have a background in clinical pilates elsewhere. Please talk to our Physiotherapists before registering for a progressions class to see if you are eligible.
Pre/peri-natal - ideal during pregnancy and during the first year post birth.
Prior to commencing one of these classes, each participant is taken through a one-on-one assessment where our Physios will screen you for medical conditions, previous injuries and your current ability/goals to ensure we can safely guide you through exercises.
Included in this 1 hour session is the opportunity to have real-time ultrasound assessment of your transverse abdominis and pelvic floor (external only) strength and control.
Our classes have a strong focus on building core strength throughout the trunk, shoulder/scapula complex and hip/gluteal complex.
Our Physio’s also bring elements of balance, diaphragmatic breathing, posture, stretching and mobility into your sessions.
Our Clinical Exercise Classes are ideal for anyone who;
- Is returning from injury
- Is wanting to commence exercise again safely following a period of inactivity
- Has chronic low back/neck pain
- Wanting pre/peri-natal core strengthening and exercise advice
- Help with pelvic floor strengthening/leakage control
- Has trouble with traditional exercise due to bone density issues
- Increasing control in hyper mobile populations
Clinical Exercise Classes are run within the NSW school term and are 10 weeks in duration.
Both the pre-screening session and the exercise classes are claimable through health funds if you have extras.
Strength and Conditioning Classes
Tuesday & Thursday 10am @ our Fyshwick Location
Small group class in a gym setting open to all levels focussing on improving strength and mobility. The class will run for an hour with the first half focussing on mobility with dynamic movements, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) and core activation exercises.
The second half of the class will be followed by circuit training using various weight machines, free weights and body weight
exercises. All exercises can be modified depending on your ability and tailored to your needs.
If you have any concerns regarding appropriateness of undertaking an exercise program, please seek your own medical advice and consult your doctor before participating.
Prior to commencing this class, new participants will have a one-on-one assessment where our physios will screen for medical conditions, previous injuries and your current ability to ensure we can
safely guide you through exercises.
Both the pre-screening session and the exercise classes are claimablethrough health funds if you have extras. Please call our reception staff for more information, to book a pre-screen or to reserve your

Diabetes Care Exercise Classes
Diabetes is a group of conditions that affect the body’s ability to maintain the correct amount of sugar (glucose) in the bloodstream.
The most common form of diabetes is type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a form of insulin resistance, where the body’s cells become less sensitive to the hormone insulin.
Insulin is a hormone that essentially unlocks the pathway for glucose to move from the bloodstream into the cell.
Due to the cell being less sensitive to insulin, it becomes harder for blood glucose levels to be maintained. Type 1 diabetes is another common form of diabetes.
This form occurs due to the body’s own immune system attacking the pancreas and stopping insulin from being created in the first place.
This means that insulin levels need to be maintained through medication.
Exercise is an essential part of management for all forms of diabetes. Through both resistance exercise and aerobic exercise, people with diabetes can better manage their condition and in some cases reverse the effects.
Resistance exercise can improve the cells sensitivity to insulin and leads to greater amounts of muscle mass, which means that the body has a greater need for glucose.
Aerobic exercise allows the body to uptake glucose without the requirement of insulin.
Despite Diabetes being a common condition, it is sometimes very tricky to commence exercise (either for the first time), or following diagnosis.
For safe exercise, tailored to your needs and supervised by our exercise physiologist, Jayden, join Entire Physio’s Diabetes Care Exercise Classes.

Beats and Breath Exercise Class
Cardiopulmonary conditions are among the most commonly diagnosed conditions worldwide.
These are conditions that affect the body’s heart, lungs and circulatory systems.
Conditions that affect the heart and circulatory system include high blood pressure, heart attacks and chronic heart failure.
Conditions that commonly affect the lungs include emphysema, chronic bronchitis, asthma and pulmonary fibrosis.
Often such conditions are caused through lifestyle and environmental factors such as poor diet, inactivity and smoking cigarettes.
These factors all promote high amounts of inflammation within the body, that over a long period of time can develop into the previously mentioned conditions.
People living with these conditions can manage and sometimes improve their disease through a structured and person-centred exercise program.
Exercise helps lower and manage blood pressure, improve cholesterol, reduce breathlessness and improve health related quality of life.
For people who have been diagnosed with any sort of cardiopulmonary condition please book in with our exercise physiologist, Jayden, for your pre-screening to assess your current level of fitness, goals and medical history before joining our tailored exercise class, Beats and Breathe.

Fluid Moves is a specific exercise program run by one of our physiotherapists designed to assist lymph drainage from an affected, swollen limb.
Exercise is crucial for maintaining healthy lymph flow throughout the entire body; and with guidance can be a great self-treatment protocol to implement at home.
This class is suitable for people with both upper and/or lower limb concerns. We request Medical clearance from your GP or specialist prior to commencing this class.
During exercise our muscles contract, this increases the pressure on the lymph vessels.
The increased pressure helps to “squeeze” the lymph towards our chest where it is then cleared back into the circulatory system. This phenomenon is known as the “muscle pump”.
Fluid Moves makes the most of our body’s natural ability to move lymph, as well as helping you to maintain joint mobility and muscle strengthening.
Fluid moves is appropriate for people of all ages and lymph severities.
Osteoarthritis is a condition that is characterised by chronic joint inflammation and pain.
The condition affects all aspects of the joint, including cartilage, bone, ligament and muscles.
People with osteoarthritis will experience symptoms of pain, stiffness, swelling, joint instability and muscular weakness.
Exercise has many benefits for osteoarthritis.
People who participate in regular exercise experience reductions in pain and improvements in physical function and quality of life.
Often osteoarthritis is coupled with other health conditions such as hypertension (high blood pressure), obesity and conditions such as kidney disease and heart disease.
With such conditions exercise poses additional benefits to those with osteoarthritis.
Exercise therapy for osteoarthritis should include both a strength training component and an aerobic component.
Examples of strength training include group exercise classes, lifting weights and doing bodyweight exercises and should be conducted two to three times per week.
Aerobic exercise includes activities such as walking, cycling, running and swimming and they should be conducted a minimum of five times per week for at least 30 minutes in total per day.
For people who have been diagnosed with any form of arthritis it is important that you discuss with our accredited exercise physiologist or one of our physiotherapists about joining our tailored exercise class, Funny Bones.

Exercise is a therapy that has been established as an essential part of the management and rehabilitation of all forms of cancer.
Cancer affects people in many ways, with each individual experience differing.
Commonly, people with cancer experience high levels of fatigue, psychological distress, loss in muscle mass, reduced bone density and heart issues.
Exercise therapy helps people with cancer to improve their physical function, reduce cancer-related fatigue, help reduce and manage psychological stress and improve quality of life.
Participating in regular exercise can also help prevent further health complications from emerging such as heart disease and reductions in bone density, whilst also reducing the likelihood of cancer returning.
People with cancer should avoid being inactive and return to normal activities as soon as possible after being diagnosed.
The exercise guidelines for people with cancer are the same as those for the general population. People with cancer should be aiming to achieve at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise five days per week and participate in two to three strength-based exercise sessions per week.
For people who have been diagnosed with any form of cancer it is important that you discuss with our accredited exercise physiologist or one of our physiotherapists about joining our tailored exercise class, Cancer Care.
For more information on the benefits of exercise during cancer treatment and afterwards, please see this ABC program:
Social Movement Exercise Class
For those diagnosed with a mental health conditions and wanting to begin using exercise as a means of improving quality of life.
These classes are small and focused on fun, safe exercise.
Seniors Stepping Up Exercise Classes

Seniors Social Exercise Classes
A fun and relaxed environment where you will rediscover your love of exercise again.
Available for people >65yrs.
Exercises during these classes are tailored to the individual and closely supervised.
Entire Physio provides the opportunity for you to exercise with your peers in a non-intimidating fun environment.
Feel free to bring along your friends/partner/neighbours for 45mins of safe and social exercise.
Prior to joining Emma, you will need to participate in a half hour pre-screen with her. Here you can outline your:
- Medical/injury history; to ensure we keep you safe
- Goals; to ensure we are meeting your expectations
- Fitness and mobility level; to ensure we can target exercises to your individual level of fitness
Classes are $10 each and you can choose to attend casually, weekly or multiple times per week.
Satyananda Yoga
Slow, meditative, restorative yoga run our yoga instructor who is passionate about helping people succeed in the their wellbeing.
Mindfulness Meditation Course
Learn the skill of mindfulness during this 8-week course run by Al Bevan.
Al is trained using the Gawler method and is passionate about helping people achieve mental clarity, reduce stress and slow the mind.