Let’s talk about commonly held concussion myths and mistruths:
Concussion is an ever-growing field of knowledge and because of this, everything we know about it is constantly undergoing some sort of change.
To help you all stay up to date, here are the top three myths I hear on a regular basis that just are simply not true.
1. All I can do for my concussion is rest and wait until it gets better.
Yes it is essential to have a short period between 48-72 hours rest after a concussion, but after that, it is time to get into some rehab.
People suffering from a concussion return to baseline faster and safer if they are exposed to a graded return to cognitive and physical activity as instructed by a qualified health professional (Gupta et al., 2019). This is why it is so important to have yourself assessed and treated as soon as possible after a concussion!
2. I don’t have any symptoms, so I’m right to get back sport.
Most concussion symptoms in adults resolve within the first week after a head injury. However, from a physiological point of view, research has shown the brain does not fully return to normal until between days 23 and 30 post concussion. This means returning to sport too early can lead to an increased risk of more severe brain injury.
3. I didn’t lose consciousness, therefore it was not a concussion.
False. 90% of concussions occur without loss of consciousness; and because of this misconception, there is a large number of non-reported concussions. This is one of the reasons why it is so important to have yourself reviewed if you are unsure of anything post head injury. People often present to clinic post car accident with whiplash, however upon review show signs they also have a concussion.