About Us
Our Vision:
To provide an inclusive supportive holistic healthcare environment that offers evidence-based treatments in a single multidisciplinary practice.
Our Ethos:
"A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. They are not dependent on us. We are dependent on them.They are not an interruption in our work. They are the purpose of it. They are not an outsider in our business. They are part of it. We are not doing them a favour by serving them. They are doing a favour by giving us an opportunity to do so.
Inspired by – Mahatma Ghandi.
About Us - Our Story
In 2011 Narelle Webb (Massage Therapist and Physiotherapist) formed Entire Physio Pty Ltd. The following year Al Bevan joined Narelle, his wife, working at Entire Physio. Since then, Entire Physio has blossomed into a truly holistic therapy centre, now employing more than 20 staff who specialise in many different modalities.
In 2013, Danny Rutten joined Entire Physio after experiencing the positive workplace environment and patient focused, evidence based care, at the core of all things Entire Physio. Within a short period of time Danny became a business partner, and helped form Entire Physio Clinical Therapies.
In 2021, Danny retired and Narelle once again took full ownership of the practice; creating three business teams within the one business we have come to love over the past 10 years.
Entire Health Services acknowledges the Ngunnawal and Ngambri people as the Traditional Custodians of the land our practice is located on. This country has been theirs for more than 20,000 years. We pay our respect to the elders both past and present, as well as those still yet to come. We thank the traditional custodians of this land for allowing us to use their land to care for the health of our local community.